Sunday, June 1, 2014


    It is high school graduation season.  It is also middle school and elementary school and pre-school and college graduation season.  Everyone loves to see their children in a graduation ceremony.  The stage, the music, the diploma.  Let's face it, the goal of P-12 education is high school graduation and earning a high school diploma.  Everyone wants to hear their names called and then to walk to the principal to receive your high school diploma.  I bet most adults can remember their high school graduation ceremony--even if they don't remember what the keynote speaker said.

     In the United States today, only about 75% of high school students eventually earn their high school diploma; and less than 50% of college students earn their college degree.  So you should be proud if you are among those that have reached these milestones in education.  Be sure to thank your teachers and your parents and anyone else who helped you along the way.

     Graduation should serve as an example of what you can accomplish when you set a goal and complete the requirements to meet that goal.  Most people will have other goals to reach in their lifetime, but unlike high school there won't be a "law" forcing you to attend and parents forcing you to do your best all of the time.  Most goals in life are completely dependent on the individual.  So when times are tough, think about the tough things you accomplished when you were 10 and 13 and 17 years old.  If you could do it then, you can do it later in life.

     Graduation is always both an ending and a beginning.  If you are ending high school, you are beginning an exciting part of your life.  Make plans; make goals.  Anything is possible.  It might take hard work--actually, it probably will take hard work--but it will be worth the effort.

     Congratulations on your graduation!  What are you doing next???

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